Semester 2 life

by - 11:07 AM

Awww Finally I'm here to update my sem 2 life. O.O
Everything is still okay right now,
foundation P stream sem2 is the most low passing rate among 3 sems,

Maths II so far so good, matrics and functions now,
but the evil differentiation and intergration coming soon,
perhaps I need alot hard work soon.
Maths II please be good to me, you know I love you that much for these year.

Thermodynamics is actually more much easier compared to mechanics last sem,
but I know those coming chapters will be the killer,
I dare not relax in thermo :)

Organic Chemistry was so cute,
alkanes alkenes HELLO.
luckily I have quite a strong base in these chapters as form 5 my tuition teacher was soo awesome :)

Going to have individual assignment soon, 
5 minutes speech!
my tutorial class have 32 people, is much more than other tutorial group -.-
need 4 weeks to settle this, 1 week 8 person present.
I prayed sooooo hard to pick the number from 1 to 8.
luckily I get number 5! I can settle this in first week :)
I comfirmed this number will bring my luck, ahahahah XD
Woan Pey get number 2 too, so glad we can present in the same week and can capture photos together.
OH YA, I choose a topic which is familiar with myself,
I hope I can express what I want to said about photography.

Bio II,
My lecturer and tutor was the same person, last sem she give me a bad impression,
but this sem she really tried so hard to teach us,
I do love her right now.
but my practical class was a new sir,
I know he dont like us, but I do things in my position :)

UTAR sem 2 life still having them with me,
WoanPey, LeWeng, WenYee, CheeChong, ZiZi....

Oh ya, this building still my second home,
Dear library.

Its time for me to go and start the war with Bio II and maths II test on next monday and tuesday.
All the best Lee Jia Yi! ;)

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3 Comment(s)

  1. Good luck with your study, Ar Bii! :)

  2. gambateh to ur study enjoy ur U Life :) I miss my College Life :(

  3. im number 12 for my speech turn^^good luck ya!
